In Poems

Devanshi Singh

There is an element called Niobium,
Who suffered because nobody had heard of him.
With great dismay,
He went to the doc yesterday,
And was told he was like Tantalium!

On a serious note,
I am kind hearted, strong minded Niobium,
Or call me beautiful ‘Columbium’.
With wings of inspiration, flying high,
Celebrating my success, beaming with joy.
Try to match it,
All thanks to Charles Hatchett!


About the Author

I’m Devanshi, a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Chemistry at the University of Sheffield. Currently, designing a polymer matrix consisting of reversible networks along with highly functional polymers towards sustainable applications. Applying the 4 Rs of sustainability-Reduce, Reuse, Re-manufacture and Recycle! Yorkshire lass in the making!